Over 200 years ago Sir Walter Scott wrote this, unbeknown, of Kier Starmer:
Breathes there the man with soul so dead, Who never to himself hath said, 'This is my own, my native land!' Whose heart hath ne'er within him burn'd As home his footsteps he hath turn'd From wandering on a foreign strand? If such there breathe, go, mark him well; For him no Minstrel raptures swell; High though his titles, proud his name, Boundless his wealth as wish can claim; Despite those titles, power, and pelf, The wretch, concentred all in self, Living, shall forfeit fair renown, And, doubly dying, shall go down To the vile dust from whence he sprung, Unwept, unhonour'd, and unsung.
We are in a state of undeclared civil war, and blindly leading the armies of the Left, the Establishment, and Islam against true patriots - indigenous and of foreign heritage who love their country and are fully integrated - is a man who, in just four short weeks of power, is close to bringing this country to its knees.
It hasn’t taken long for a new Labour government to throw the country into disarray and set it alight. And it’s started as it has always meant to continue, putting one community above another. The government has set the scene for a dangerous, sectarian conflict – the Muslim community against the patriotic British community – and Two-Tier Kier is a very apt tag for Starmer.
Governments are supposed to protect the population. They are supposed to act against any and all forces that pose a real and actual threat. But that has not happened. Starmer attacks patriots and those afraid for the safety of their children. And he has enabled those who want to bring down our culture and society.
Starmer does not declare, 'This is my own, my native land!'. No, he says, this land is yours to the immigrants and their offspring who demand supremacy of a foreign ideology, whose heritage is one of violent invasion, who wish to suppress those who are not of their ideology, and promote their ideology’s goal of bringing the whole world to submission under its boot.
But Starmer didn’t reckon on British society coming to a red pill moment that takes society from closed eye avoidance to open eyed confrontation. An awakening from drowsy blindness to cognitive recognition of reality.
The barbaric evil in Southport looked and felt the same as so many other barbaric acts of savage, bloody violence we’ve experienced over recent years. It came as no surprise. It happens too often. It is becoming a new norm of our society. But it may well be a tipping point.
The direction of travel Labour has planned out for our society takes us to a place of acceptance and protection of Islamic fundamentalism, critical race theory, gender confusion, green activism, open borders, suppression of nationalism, globalisation, re-integration into the EU, and forced sexualisation of young children in school; this is the evolution of a two-tier society within the UK where the indigenous population is suppressed and given a second class status subservient to the priority of enforced implementation of multi-culturalism and other Leftist doctrines; where the country's history and traditional moral standards and values are denigrated and demonised and abandoned; where foreign ideologies and cultures are encouraged and fortified by political indulgence. Where the traditional basics of our society have been turned upside-down; right has been labelled wrong, lies have pushed out truth, and evil has been granted a free pass; where absolutes no longer exist, and the people are enslaved to the whims of a special few. We are being driven into a dystopian nightmare, enforced and managed by the New Politburo of Labour overlords.
My description sounds dramatic and overhyped, but that is only because instead of a violent revolution we are suffering a creeping, gradual, step-by-little-step movement toward the ultimate goal of a subservient, submissive society; one that has been submerged in a water-filled pot and slowly heated until we have sleepily accepted our situation, and any sudden surge of intellectual adrenaline by a few, at the realisation of what is happening, is forcibly suppressed before society as a whole raises its objection.
Currently, the pressure pot of societal unease and concern and fear has remained sealed for most of the population. Small numbers of the more physically radical members of society have boiled over and let off steam – those who have been side-lined in society for too long, who feel enough is enough and cannot get any platform to vent their feelings other than by going onto the streets and doing things they should not. Their actions are wrong, and play into the narrative of Starmer.
The anti-British Left, the Islamist-inclined hate-chanting Palestinian-supporting anti-Semitic mobs, the rioting Marxist Antifa and BLM supporters, and now the marauding mobs of Muslim men taking over streets and viciously attacking individual white citizens, are explained away by politicians, and indulged and protected by the police. Meanwhile, those voicing concern about the country’s direction of travel and threats to British heritage, culture and traditional society are demonised, smeared, forcibly silenced and persecuted with the collusion of the mainstream media and sanction of the State.
Starmer and Cooper blame ‘right-wing thugs’, social media companies, and misinformation about Southport for the eruption of unrest on our streets. But the ultimate blame lays directly at Starmer’s feet. He continues to disenfranchise huge swathes of British citizens through his two-tier politics; politics that labels those on the other side of the Leftist-instigated chasm as beneath contempt, irrelevant, dangerous. Instead of standing up and declaring that all voices must be heard, and information must be truthful and shared, and all sections of society must be protected, and that all who use threat, violence and mayhem will equally feel the full force of the law, he continues to stoke a sectarian fire that may well set this whole country ablaze.
Of Keir Starmer we shall surely say:
‘The wretch, concentred all in self, Living, shall forfeit fair renown, And, doubly dying, shall go down To the vile dust from whence he sprung, Unwept, unhonour'd, and unsung.’
Great poem.
Great link to a current traitor